
This small collection of videos chronicles student life at the d.school and the work students produce as they build their creative confidence and apply it in the world at large.


Design in an Unlikely Place

Margaret Hagan approached the d.school with a simple question that had yet to be asked: How can human centered design be applied to a system that feels as opaque and broken as the legal system?

The Story of Miracle Brace

The most difficult design problems begin with understanding.

The Student Experience

The d.school student experience is characterized by getting out and making sense of the messy, unpredictable world. But it is truly defined by the internal transformation of each individual. During one class, Elizabeth Woodson ‘15 worked with a local health services non-profit to help them innovate new ways of reaching clients.

A Challenge in Empathy

What happens when 1,500 school principals across the US spend a day with their students? A lot.